Infinitely scalable machine learning with Amazon SageMaker

In machine learning, more is usually more. For example, training on more data means more accurate models.
At AWS, we continue to strive to enable builders to build cutting-edge technologies faster in a secure, reliable, and scalable fashion. Machine learning is one such transformational technology that is top of mind not only for CIOs and CEOs, but also developers and data scientists. Last re:Invent, to make the problem of authoring, training, and hosting ML models easier, faster, and more reliable, we launched Amazon SageMaker. Now, thousands of customers are trying Amazon SageMaker and building ML models on top of their data lakes in AWS.
While building Amazon SageMaker and applying it for large-scale machine learning problems, we realized that scalability is one of the key aspects that we need to focus on. So, when designing Amazon SageMaker we took on a challenge: to build machine learning algorithms that can handle an infinite amount of data. What does that even mean though? Clearly, no customer has an infinite amount of data.
Nevertheless, for many customers, the amount of data that they have is indistinguishable from infinite. Bill Simmons, CTO of Dataxu, states, "We process 3 million ad requests a second - 100,000 features per request. That's 250 trillion ad requests per day. Not your run-of-the-mill data science problem!" For these customers and many more, the notion of "the data" does not exist. It's not static. Data always keeps being accrued. Their answer to the question "how much data do you have?" is "how much can you handle?"
To make things even more challenging, a system that can handle a single large training job is not nearly good enough if training jobs are slow or expensive. Machine learning models are usually trained tens or hundreds of times. During development, many different versions of the eventual training job are run. Then, to choose the best hyperparameters, many training jobs are run simultaneously with slightly different configurations. Finally, re-training is performed every x-many minutes/hours/days to keep the models updated with new data. In fraud or abuse prevention applications, models often need to react to new patterns in minutes or even seconds!
To that end, Amazon SageMaker offers algorithms that train on indistinguishable-from-infinite amounts of data both quickly and cheaply. This sounds like a pipe dream. Nevertheless, this is exactly what we set out to do. This post lifts the veil on some of the scientific, system design, and engineering decisions we made along the way.
Streaming algorithms
To handle unbounded amounts of data, our algorithms adopt a streaming computational model. In the streaming model, the algorithm only passes over the dataset one time and assumes a fixed-memory footprint. This memory restriction precludes basic operations like storing the data in memory, random access to individual records, shuffling the data, reading through the data several times, etc.
Streaming algorithms are infinitely scalable in the sense that they can consume any amount of data. The cost of adding more data points is independent of the entire corpus size. In other words, processing the 10th gigabyte and 1000th gigabyte is conceptually the same. The memory footprint of the algorithms is fixed and it is therefore guaranteed not to run out of memory (and crash) as the data grows. The compute cost and training time depend linearly on the data size. Training on twice as much data costs twice as much and take twice as long.
Finally, traditional machine learning algorithms usually consume data from persistent data sources such as local disk, Amazon S3, or Amazon EBS. Streaming algorithms also natively consume ephemeral data sources such as Amazon Kinesis streams, pipes, database query results, and almost any other data source.
Another significant advantage of streaming algorithms is the notion of a state. The algorithm state contains all the variables, statistics, and data structures needed to perform updates, that is, all that is required to continue training. By formalizing this concept and facilitating it with software abstractions, we provide checkpointing capabilities and fault resiliency for all algorithms. Moreover, checkpointing enables multi-pass/multi-epoch training for persistent data, a pause/resume mechanism that is useful for cost effective HPO, and incremental training that updates the model only with new data rather running the entire training job from scratch.
Acceleration and distribution
When AWS customers run large-scale training tasks on Amazon SageMaker, they are interested in reducing the running time and cost of their job, irrespective of the number and kinds of machines used under the hood. Amazon SageMaker algorithms are therefore built to take advantage of many Amazon EC2 instance types, support both CPU and GPU computation, and distribute across many machines.
Cross-instance support relies heavily on containerization. Amazon SageMaker training supports powerful container management mechanisms that include spinning up large numbers of containers on different hardware with fast networking and access to the underlying hardware, such as GPUs. For example, a training job that takes ten hours to run on a single machine can be run on 10 machines and conclude in one hour. Furthermore, switching those machines to GPU-enabled ones could reduce the running time to minutes. This can all be done without touching a single line of code.
To seamlessly switch between CPU and GPU machines, we use Apache MXNet to interface with the underlying hardware. By designing algorithms that operate efficiently on different types of hardware, our algorithms gain record speeds and efficiency.
Distribution across machines is achieved via a parameter server that stores the state of all the machines participating in training. The parameter server is designed for maximal throughput by updating parameters asynchronously and offering only loose consistency properties of the parameters. While these are unacceptable in typical relational database designs, for machine learning, the tradeoff between accuracy and speed is worth it.
Post-training model tuning and rich states
Processing massively scalable datasets in a streaming manner poses a challenge for model tuning, also known as hyperparameter optimization (HPO). In HPO, many training jobs are run with different configurations or training parameters. The goal is to find the best configuration, usually the one corresponding to the best test accuracy. This is impossible in the streaming setting.
For ephemeral data sources, the data is no longer available for rerunning the training job (for persistent data sources, this is possible but inefficient). Amazon SageMaker algorithms solve this by training an expressive state object, out of which many different models can be created. That is, a large number of different training configurations can be explored after only a single training job.
Amazon SageMaker offers production-ready, infinitely scalable algorithms such as:
- Linear Learner
- Factorization Machines
- Neural Topic Modeling
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- K-Means clustering
- DeepAR forecasting
They adhere to the design principles above and rely on Amazon SageMaker's robust training stack. They are operationalized by a thick, common SDK that allows us to test them thoroughly before deployment. We have invested heavily in the research and development of each algorithm, and every one of them advances the state of the art. Amazon SageMaker algorithms train larger models on more data than any other open-source solution out there. When a comparison is possible, Amazon SageMaker algorithms often run more than 10x faster than other ML solutions like Spark ML. Amazon SageMaker algorithms often cost cents on the dollar to train, in terms of compute costs, and produce more accurate models than the alternatives.
I think the time is here for using large-scale machine learning in large-scale production systems. Companies with truly massive and ever-growing datasets must not fear the overhead of operating large ML systems or developing the associated ML know-how. AWS is delighted to innovate on our customers' behalf and to be a thought leader, especially in exciting areas like machine learning. I hope and believe that Amazon SageMaker and its growing set of algorithms will change the way companies do machine learning.