The 2006 Young Innovators
Every year the MIT Technology Review publishes a list of technologists and scientist under the age of 35 to honor their ground breaking inventions and research. In the past I have written a number of recommendations in support of these innovators and last year I was particularly happy to see George Candea recognized for his work on recovery oriented computing in general and for micro-reboots in particular.
This year the list is more impressive than ever. Two young academics made the slate: Ben Zhao for his work on structured overlay networks and Eddie Kohler for operating systems security. Surprisingly three internet entrepreneurs also make the list, all well deserved: Joshua Schachter for tagging and, Paul Rademacher for igniting the map mashup movement, and Jason Fried for relentlessly advocating simplicity in online development.
It was good to see some privacy and security innovators also make the list: Apostolos Argyris for chaotic synchronization, Roger Dingledine on anonymized email, Anand Raghunathan for mobile device security and Sumeet Singh who capitalized on the virus detection work he did at UCSD.
For the full list and details see the TR Website. The honoring ceremony will be at TR’s Emerging Technology conference and Jeff Bezos will be giving an exciting keynote. I will have to miss out this year because I am speaking at the Handelsblatt Future of IT Conference in Berlin.