Sports Book
Whenever I end up in Vegas I am continuously amazed by the magnitude of the way things are implemented here and at the same time the superficiality of it all. Normally I take a stroll north or south of the strip to ground me and get back some sense of reality. This time I didn’t have time for that, so I got stuck in my favorite place in the hotel: the race & sports book.

Not that I am gambling on any team, but I like the atmosphere. Next to the professionals hanging out there are all the folks who are passionate about some sport or another. Last night it was the hockey fans. Currently during the day the room is filled with South Americans and Europeans celebrating soccer. The image above is during the England –Sweden game played concurrently with the T&T against Paraguay game. It took some time to get used to watching two games at the same time.
I really regret that I couldn’t be there tonight for the Mavericks-Heat game. I am pretty sure it would have been a lot more heated than the San Diego hotel bar I watched the game just now.
I have to congratulate Mark Cuban, even though the Mavericks lost the final tonight. He has personally shown a tremendous customer focus during the year, and strived for transparency. No matter whether you hate or love him, he has given you something to love or hate, which is a major accomplishment. His passion for winning makes that people want to kill him or be his best friend. I am sure that if you are a Mavericks fan you feel that Mark has given you everything you have ever dreamed of (except maybe the title). Customer focused as he is, that is all what matters to him. Congratulations!